CANARY ISLANDS- ISLAS CANARIAS- KANARISCHE INSELN | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Activity report here will ony follow, if new events take place. For other environmental reports, please visit the solar and terrestrial blog on my homepage
------------- ACTIVITY REPORTS- OCTOBER 01- 30 2014OCTOBER 21- 31- 2014:
not much was happening during the past 10 days. On November 1st, another solar proton event (SEP occured with first protons impacting into the geomagnetic field after 14 UTC:
This is above the Atlantic and pretty close to the longitude of the Canaries and Iceland. Indeed magmatic earthquake activity near to this longitude significantly rose on November 2nd with three stronger earthquakes on the northern Mid Atlantic ridge and a new increase of the magmatic activity below Iceland which had already gradually and slowly decreased oner the past 2 weeks :
M 5.3 - NORTHERN MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE - 2014-11-02 09:03:03 UTC
All though the Canary volcano system and hot spot seems to react very slowly on solar SEPs than most other hotspots ( such as Yellowstone and Hawaii where the activity has again risen significantly after the latest SEPs as on all others before ) the name el Discreto describes it best . Its just not well known but surface volcanic activities remain still a rsik as long as the magma intrusion for the earthmantle continues and doies not really stop at least for some montghs.
This solar proton impact however will very likely also lead to an rather slight increase of activity on the Canary hotspot below El Hierro. Magma however was already pretty close to the surface once this year in June 2014, when an isolated event was registered just 5 km below Sea level on the geograophic position of El Teide and interprated even by staff of AVCAN as an rise or a decline of magma below the volcano ( see earlier reports) , which is with el cumbre vieja on von La Palma the only but largest intact stratovolcano on the islands ( while all others such as La Gomera, Gran Canaria and parts of El Hierro have already collapsed to a Caldera that poses the lowest volcanic threat of all volcano types.)
OCTOBER 14- 20- 2014:magmatic activity below El Hierro increased a bit after October 20. There are still no seismic data from Gran Canaria. Tremor activity on all other islands however is currently very low.
OCTOBER 05- 06 - 2014:
TREMORS:The spectrogramm of El Hierro suggests hot magma below the island: Tremors increased also and are currently strongest on La Gomera and Teneriffe. The seismograph on Gran Canaria is still out of order DEFORMATION:There was no further lift up process on El Hierro during past 3 months, what does not mean, that the magma intrusion has come to a stop.Would be logical, that- since the magma can flow to somewhere else- the strong expanding force, magma develops while surging up from the earth mantle to the Earth crust just does not built up its pressure below El Hierro anymore, but somewhere else. However: there are no technical means today, those would make such a magma flow or bubble visible in that depth, where it currently happens: Means: we don`t know anything for sure , thus all about this activity is based on suggestions.------------------------------ OCTOBER 04 - 2014
A some stronger 2.5 quake was registered on Oct 04 near El Pinar and was also reported (as all quakes within Europe above M 2 usually are) by ESMC:
There was no further shallow earthquake yet since Oct 02..Thus this was another isolated event, which nevertheless indicates, that magma is someway further on its way to the surface..
------OCTOBER 02- 2014
(uncorrected draft )
Another likely shallow M 1.9 quake took place today near Puerto de La Cruz 1- 2 km off the coast of Teneriffe.
The Spanish IGN has not issued about the exact depth of the event. Yesterday the with 3 km yet most shallow earthquake since end of the first activity pga´hase in 2012 was registered ion the valle delo Golfo on El Hierro. Its time now to observe the activity very closely , as this could be the last indicator before the magma now might break through to the surface. either in a submarine eruption or anywhere else... Noone knows where, but Teneriffe.- as seimic data showed over mointh, is since the thrid activity phase began in late 2013, the place where the act magmatric activity concentrates ( see, earlier reports)
This would not the first time, that the IGN or AVCAN turns off seismometers or hold back other information on the current volcanic/ seimic activity on the Canaries. ON the oine side the tiouzrist business is most imprtant for Spain and Spanish employees. On the oither side, its seems turue that the most people know little about the volcanism on the Canaries, which are like the volcanoes oin icleand situated in a continental spreading tone-. the Atlantic. In those regions magma , if it begins to rise upwards forom the Earth mantkle ( intrusion) first finds many cracks, fissures hollow spaces and caves where it can rund to, before it would at any time reach the surface. This is why these violcanoes are so silent.. Nevertheless- since December 2013 until now - a more or less continuous magma intrusion took place form the hot spot and mantle plume below El Hierro deep below the islands asnd the amount of magma that assembled in the old caldera between ths islands cannot be monitored or really estimated. Hotm spopt magma is very hot and viscous and contains no gazes, in earlier articles I decsribed the incredible expansion forces, thos effect on this magma as more iot rsies up . The other effects is, that it gets even hotter as more it expands by the decreasing gravity pressure. Its com,parable to a refrigerator, where gazes are first compressed and comsume heat energy from their environment when they expand again. ( cooling effect/ Jule Thomson principle) what finally might cause an explosive eruption, is when that magma rises upo to regions in the earth curst those contain water.. The reaction of magma with water ( forming steam, but also hydrogen or Sulforhydrogen oither high energetic gazes ) is meanwhile believed to responsible for almost all explosive volcano events.The Canary islands are situated on a plateau that rises up to 3.700 m below zero.( sea level), thus magma might come earlier in contact withg water than on continental formations But baiscally the magma is pressed upwards form tghe earth and as long such a magma intrusion continues( what can only be monitored by theses weak sesimic / magmatic quakes it produces, while it breaks ( moves upwards through the earth crust. On the other side ,chambers where this magma then assembles and gathers anyway in the underground filled with hot magma do not cause any kinds of seimic shocks . THey cause socalled harmonic tremors on the seismographs , but this onlxy gives an idea about how much magma might have assembled . However. there is no way to monitor or even to find those magma chambers or magma bubbles in the undergiround, .These storages ar just to deep and no driller or material could withstand the temperatures there in a depth of more than 5 km.. a § D model of the seimic activity within the Yellowstone park finally turned out not to be the magma chamber ( if there is one?) , but the mantle plume . TREMORS:Tremors are harmonic but have low amplitudes on Teneriffe and the other islands:
< Temerife/ 20141001
To my impression, there is not much difference to see compared the the images of last months
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(click on the images to enlarge them) Bebenmap( El Hierro) GPS deformation measure stations on El Hierro MODVOLC/ Hawaii thermal alerts: ^ near real time thermal alert for El Hierro, la Palma, Teneriffe and la Gomera ( updated once per week) volcano discovery. com : Earthquake within 30 km radius around El Hierro: ------- --------------- previous posts those contain articles about the Canary volcanism in general:February 10- 16- 2014 January 15- 19- 2014 January 20- 27- 2014 Mnt Teide ( Teneriffe) related free online sources:VOLCANOES: "Eruptions that shook the world" a very interesting and freely avaible source how volcanoes work where you find all what you want to know about volcanoes Sources of the volcanic activity at El Hierro ( since 2011): Some may like to read a review on the volcanic activity below El Hierro in 2011: Here is a data based report by earthquake .com- an excellent site regularly reporting (what you never get in the news) about Earthquakes and related volcanism worldnews.com: Special environmental reports about the Canaries Miscanellous: Geschichte Teneriffas (deutsch) Fataga ( Gran Canaria) San Cristóbal de La Laguna in 1880 (Tenerife) Caldera de Taburiente National Park (La Palma). Garajonay (La Gomera) (BBC/ 20111204)Canary Island volcano: A new island in the making? |
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