Mittwoch, 8. Juli 2015

THE CANARY HOTSPOT- volcano islands blog and forum- JULY 01- AUGUST 31 - 2015



^background image by wikicommonsBerthold Werner/ TEIDE Volcano Caldera/ Teneriffe/Islas Canarias
BLOG/ Startseite



Activity report here will ony follow, if new events take place. For other environmental reports, please visit the solar and terrestrial blog on my homepage

AUGUST 24- 2015

20150822/ AVCAN reports again higher surface seismicity , several larger rockfalls caused  surface damages on a road and water pipe near Sabrionosa/ El Hierro on Saturday morning- the first registered surface damage ,since January  2014, when the activity at the El Hierro hot spot had resumed. and continued since then:

( translated report from  thre AVCAN facebook  page)

Close the road of sabinosa for desprendimientos, iron.- The news is interesting because this detachment is reflected in the sismograma of several of the seismic stations of the ign with a signal very valuable in the closest ctab, giving us the exact timing of the detachment that occurred between 04:20 h and the 04:21 H.
The truth is that the shedding should be quite important to make this sign in the sismógrafo and provoke the damage they caused on the road and water pipe. Emphasize that it is an isolated incident and there is no earthquake prior or other causes earthquake-volcanic which can be attributed this event in the seismograms.( Enrique)

Cierran la carretera de Sabinosa por desprendimientos
SERGIO GUTIÉRREZ| Para acceder al pueblo desde Frontera hay que desviarse por la vía de La Tabla y para salir de Sabinosa, se puede hacer a través de la carretera del Pozo de La Salud.
Dos enormes piedras impactaron de madrugada contra la vía lo que también ha provocado la rotura de una tuberia de agua, dejando al pueblo sin suministro momentáneamente.

Two magmatic quakes that occured below El Hierro and Teneriffe  on August 18 and 19  in a depth of  now  just 3 km. suggest that magma has risen up meanwhile 2 km higher  after the depth of the recent  measured quakes  continously  had risen to 5 km in June 2015:

EventoFechaHora(GMT)*Latitud Longitud Prof.
Int. Máx.Mag.Tipo Mag. (**)LocalizaciónInfo
134109420/08/201518:54:2127.6416-17.9205151.6mbLgSE EL PINAR.IHI[+]
134084019/08/201501:06:3327.6152-18.093732.1mbLgSW EL PINAR.IHI[+]
134075918/08/201515:38:3128.4524-16.659431.7mbLgNW SAN JOSÉ.ITF[+]
134046815/08/201511:43:2027.6458-18.0912191.8mbLgSW EL PINAR.IH


Tremors signals are rather weak,, as kit is alos the case/ resp.  would be expectable if magma is very hot.


Other news: 

' we were swimming at sea, when all of a sudden we put up the head and we realized that we had in front of our face a real cathedral in the bottom of the sea. First we saw their shadows and then the two or three colossal towers of lava. We ran out of words "..... read more..


AUGUST- 12- 2015:

TODAY: Notification on AVCAN facebook :

"Remarkable seismic swarm in Tenerife, very local to the station Maci, with events weak of a magnitude no older than 1 grade. We are aware that, since there was no consistency in the seismographs that allows us to see the ign in la gomera or in Gran Canaria. These events come unfold from 5:45 UTC (Jr)"

However: not anything like that yet in the IGN Earthquake register today:

EventoFechaHora(GMT)*Latitud Longitud Prof.
Int. Máx.Mag.Tipo Mag. (**)LocalizaciónInfo

However: only the seismograph on La Gomera has obviously drawn sth.  like a seismic swarm today, beginning at about 9:40 UTC:

SAVCAN also published  this metereological,map along with the quake report :

20150811: Teide seems to be in thick mist, but this also could be something different:

AUGUST- 04- 2015

microquake activity  intensified at the end of July 2015. The most shallow quake was- surprisingly- due to IGN- registered near el Pinar on EL Hierro on 20150729 with a depth og 2 km (!!)- allthough  and nevertheless, IGN again  cannot say from  which depths the two quake on Teneriffe ( san Miguel) came from on 20150731 and 20150804:

EventoFechaHora(GMT)*Latitud Longitud Prof.
Int. Máx.Mag.Tipo Mag. (**)LocalizaciónInfo
133870904/08/201513:18:2728.0381-16.54631.5mbLgSE SAN MIGUEL.ITF[+]
133836831/07/201513:45:2827.9815-16.56861.9mbLgSE SAN MIGUEL.ITF[+]
133832730/07/201513:05:4228.0056-16.721681.9mbLgSE SAN MIGUEL.ITF[+]
133823729/07/201517:38:3927.7207-17.97422II2.1mbLgNE EL PINAR.IHI[+]


The shallow depth of these quakes again indicates that the magmatic intrusion still continues and  while the mantle magma  is by and by, slowly still but continously  coming higher and higher, a surface eruption of unknown kind and form remains the current long or short term perspective that becomes  more and more imminent.  Mnt. Teide, the seamount between Teneriffe and Gran Canaria but- as the  recent quake lets image - also El Hierro itself -seem to be- due to all semic data collected since Dec 2013- the  three most probable sites where this might happen.

Volcanism on the Canaries is really going on much more discrete than on any other known volcano and seems almost unpredicable . Measurements won`t indicate the exact time when this might happen. So just certain events on the surface such as steam eruptions, tremors or hightened temperatures ( propably going along with dying vegetation) that can be felt  in the ground will be  the only indicators for  such an uopcoming surface eruption of any kind and visitors an residents on the islands have to take  themselves the right decision at any time


Tremor activity nevertheless is very low, what does not necessarely mean that no HOT MAGMA is present below the islands, resp the old caldera in between . Tremors-  at time of this update- however were RELATIVELY strongest on Gran Canaria:


JULY 07 2015

After the strongest proton event in the last years on June 18/ 21,Sinabung on Java had  reacted first with a  eruptions phase - almost permanently emitting pyroclastic clouds again since then .

Activity also resumed on  Canary hot spot with the most shallow earthquake since begin of the 3. activity phase in Dec 2013 , 4 km below sea surface beneath Teneriffe  already on June 18: But "El Discreto" still keeps what its name promises: so sign of any surface activity so far since the 3. and yet longest activity phase had begun in December 2013...( find more about that in my  blog of previous month) 

But after the protons of the stronger SEP on June 21 ( with a duration of 9 days and a highest value of 1.000 pfu likely the strongest in the last decade) again mainly went down along the  longitudes of the west American coast, the mean  measurable heat  effects from the Earth mantle ( the high speed protons create when entering the Earth s interior/ body along the geo magnetic field lines of the Earth) shifted to the Yellowstone caldera.

The Sun had been rather calm for more than a half year and thus hot spot activity resp.magma intrusion had also decreased all over the world: major eruption phases ended on Etna, lava emissions on  Kilauea on Hawaii had significantly  decreased as well as the activity in the Yellostone park had calmed down and was back almost to normal in the first half of June 2015...

: Magma however had some time to cool down and thus the new intrusion , the new but strong magma boost expectable  after the strong proton event on June 12´21 needed a while to climb further towards the surface.

But after June 30, the activity in the Yellowstone caldera then visibly increased as expected with more geysers opening up again and on the first of July 2015, the activity there was at the highest point so far, I yet could observe in the past years. If have daily made video  recordings of the activity from  the Yellowstone webcam, but just had not the time yet to edit that material  and to post it on youtube. Just to wait some more days helps also  to see,  whether  the daily increase of geyser activity observable since June 30 will further continue nor not...

JULY 07 2015:


Now on 20150706 and 08 also new magmatic quakes were  registered below Teneriffe, but now in deeper areas of 30 km on July 06 and 13 km on July 08.:

EventoFechaHora(GMT)*Latitud Longitud Prof.
Int. Máx.Mag.Tipo Mag. (**)LocalizaciónInfo
133668308/07/201510:37:5328.1447-16.3711121.5mbLgE ARICO.ITF[+]
133647106/07/201517:31:4628.2690-16.4679252.7mbLgNW FASNIA.ITF[+]
133575728/06/201506:12:0427.8395-18.2604301.8mbLgNW FRONTERA.IHI


also an increase of tremors - those were very low in the first of June 2015 could be observed, following the new magmatic quakes.
Values are again highest in the region of Gran Canaria ( secondary on Teneriffe an la Gomera) on July 2015:

DEFORMATION DATA (El Hierro only) :

Deformation Data for end of June are not published yet. The graph after June 18 shows just some slight changes:



Seitenzahl: 03
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useful links/ nützliche Links:
Global Volcanism Program
Facebook Seite der AVCAN
IGN (Spain) Serie El Hierro
Earthquake- report. com
SOLAR (info)

(click on the images to enlarge them)

letztes Beben(Kanarische Inseln ( IGN)

Bebenmap( El Hierro)

GPS deformation measure stations on El Hierro

MODVOLC/ Hawaii  thermal alerts:

near real time thermal alert
for El Hierro, la Palma, Teneriffe and la Gomera ( updated once per week)

volcano discovery. com : Earthquake within 30 km radius around El Hierro:


previous posts those contain articles about the Canary volcanism in general: 

February 10- 16- 2014

 January 15- 19- 2014

January 20- 27- 2014

Mnt Teide ( Teneriffe)

related free online sources:


"Eruptions that shook the world"

a very interesting and freely avaible  source how volcanoes work where you find all what you want to know about volcanoes

Sources of the volcanic activity at El Hierro ( since 2011):

Some may like to read a review on the volcanic activity below El Hierro in 2011:
Here is a data based report  by earthquake .com- an excellent site regularly reporting (what you never get in the news) about Earthquakes and related volcanism Special environmental reports about the Canaries 

 Geschichte Teneriffas (deutsch)

 Fataga ( Gran Canaria)

 San Cristóbal de La Laguna in 1880 (Tenerife)

Caldera de Taburiente National Park (La Palma).

Garajonay (La Gomera)

   (BBC/ 20111204)Canary Island volcano: A new island in the making?


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